Become a Wine Ambassador

According to the Department of Agriculture, wine-producing grapes occupy more than 1,100,000 acres in our country. That makes the United States the fourth-largest wine-growing nation in the world behind Italy, Spain, and France (China follows the U.S.).

Wines Vines Analytics, the most comprehensive source for industry data, also reports that those million-plus acres represent a total U.S. wine market value of $70.5 billion, as of mid-2019.

Given that news, isn’t it your turn to cash in on the booming business of wine? And, better news, you will not have to stomp grapes to do it, as the peasants did in The Secret of Santa Vittoria, the best book (our opinion) ever written about wine.

Sip fine wine and sell it

You can succeed in selling wine, and in the pleasure of drinking it, by working as a Wine Ambassador. That, you must admit, is a heck of a lot better (again, in our opinion), and has more career upside, than working as an ambassador to, say, Ukraine.

We are talking about operating a home-based business with premium wines as the focal product. These wines are delivered directly to your door every month, and also to the doors of your customers. We will show you how to make that happen, the marketing, selling, all of it. We will not name names, but we know people making six-figure incomes doing this.

When we call this a home-based business, we are not technically precise. Anyone can run it from anywhere that a WiFi connection is available, including your local Starbucks or from your favorite stool at your preferred libation lounge.

Before you sell, you need to know what you are selling. The wines generally originate in the famous Napa and Sonoma valleys of northern and central California. They include an impressive variety of reds and whites, and also numerous classic blends.

Pick your drink, earn what you want

Wine Ambassador offers an opportunity for people passionate about wine to build a business with family, friends, and colleagues who also enjoy a sip or two. And you get to pick what you drink and what you want to earn.

You can make as little or as much money as you want. Your success depends on you, and your level of commitment.

That means you set your hours and decide on a workload. A career income is within reach. That would allow you to leave your current job. A part-time income, on the other hand, can take the edge off the ever-increasing cost of living, and also see to it that you to catch up on bills, or splurge a little bit.

Perhaps the best part about the business is its ease, and think about that. Many millions of people around the world love and rely on vino every day. And think of this purely from a business perspective: We have already established Wine of the Month clubs in several countries, and YOU CAN BECOME PART OF THAT.

Also remember: Wine is a lifestyle and a passion, and now you can make it a wonderful business. Can you think of a better example of combining business and pleasure? We thought not.

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