Coffee and wine

For as long as I can recall, my daily routine has started with coffee and ended with wine. I would drink 3-4 cups of coffee in the morning, and a glass or two of wine in the evening.

There is one difference I should mention. Today, instead of gulping down the traditional coffee blends, I have switched to what I will describe as a “life-changing coffee” that has enabled me to shed the extra few pounds that outrageously accumulated on my body over the years.

Those unwanted pounds melted away, and I can say pretty much the same thing about my friends who switched from regular to “life-changing coffee.” They have also found themselves on the market for new clothes as a result of shedding weight.

The recipe: Drink one or two cups of life-changing coffee per day. It’s obviously not hard because the coffee is delicious. And that’s it! No exercise or insane diets or counting carbs or weigh-ins or meetings are required. Oh, yeah: no body shaming. Just drink the coffee!

There is an added benefit to life-changing coffee. By making it your morning staple, you can also eat fine foods and partake of fine wines — WITHOUT GUILT — and enjoy the lifestyle that provides, all while trimming/slimming down.

coffee and wineDo you know what makes a morning with coffee even better?

Let this morning coffee help you to lose 10-20 pounds of unwanted fat and inches a month

I am probably a typical American when it comes to eating habits, which is a significant part of my lifestyle. I should qualify that statement. My eating habits are usual for an American FOODIE. Like Nero Wolfe, I love excellent food and wine, and I make no apologies for my frequent chocolate indulgences — or other indulgences, for that matter.

To paraphrase Mark Twain, I can resist anything but temptation. So, yes, pie is definitely on my menu. Circa 1789, Marie Antoinette said “Let them eat cake.” And so I do, supplementing cake with a variety of additional guilty pleasures, topped by cheesecake. All of these delights go better with coffee.

The difference with life-changing coffee is that it dampens your impulse control. Great as the goodies are, you won’t want to eat as much when our coffee is the complement.

Here is what I want. We’ll call it ‘My cake.’

Everyone wants their cake plus the added luxury of eating it, too. But when it comes to decadences such as food and wine, the downside usually involves an expanding gut or another layer of lard on the hips. Most solutions to these annoyances span the gamut from tempered moderation and exercise to low-cal shakes, crash diets, and near starvation. Perish any of those hellish thoughts.

The solution I found came via a simple switch of my usual Morning Joe to life-changing coffee. I did not change anything else. While I changed nothing, the coffee changed everything. My coffee now is made is with natural appetite suppressants plus a lot of feel-good ingredients and detox components. It comes in light and dark roast and hits the spot in more ways than one. 

The overarching thing is that it enables me to enjoy the kind of food and wines I associate with quality of life — without simultaneously imagining myself evolving into the human equivalent of the Goodyear Blimp.

The perfect combination 

coffee and wineExquisite coffee and wine (not necessarily imbibed together) are integral parts of my life. In fine wine, I have discovered the quintessence of palate elegance. And in the coffee, it is the Unicorn of weight management. So now it is time to share. 

With our coffee: To reiterate, all you need to do is drink one or two cups throughout the morning. It tastes great, provides an energy boost, and enables you to shed those pesky inches and pounds. Of course, I eat sensibly throughout the day, but I can enjoy a great dinner complemented by great wine in the evening, and I do so throughout the week.

coffee and wine. . . With our (global) fine Wine of the Month Club

Our examination of coffee and fine wine allows us an opportunity to segue into a chance for you. 

So be sure to watch the presentation on our rewards of financial and time freedom

It will present — and hopefully intrigue– you with the idea of sharing our products yourself and profiting in the bargain. To achieve that goal requires that you undergo some training and take advantage of our marketing techniques. But first, get the products and allow yourself the joys of a life well-lived. 

coffee and wine

Get your new morning coffee here

Your “morning energy” and weight-loss wonder” will set you up for the day by curbing your appetite and taking away those wrenching cravings and hunger pangs. It will also diminish your desire for sweets and fats. Without that junk, you will feel better and live longer. Drink the Coffee! Enjoy one or two cups each morning.

coffee and wine

Get your monthly fine wine order here

Order two, four or six bottles (you can always upgrade) per month. They’ll be sent directly to your door. Believe us, you want the lifestyle that fine wine provides, especially now that you understand the benefit of our coffee weight-management program. You are going to receive some hand-picked wines, your choice of reds or whites from all around the globe. Get enrolled today and enjoy life to the fullest.

See a full presentation here

coffee and wine

Be sure to get connected with me so I can be sure to show you the full spectrum of how you can enjoy the time, freedom and the lifestyle that you deserve. We have figured it out, and are going to guide you there.